
We have been a little quiet lately, but we are excited to announce a big project we have had in the works. Announcing a new comparison database: LAMMP (LGBT+ Accountability for Missing and Murdered Persons).

From the website:

“LGBT+ people are underserved by the standard and most widely used databases available to compare missing persons to unidentified remains. Working with the admins from Trans Cold Cases and Missing, Murdered, & Unidentified LGBT+, the Trans Doe Task Force is facilitating a database to serve the community and attempt to match any unidentified people with missing people whose cases require LGBT+ informed care and consideration. The database is private and only searchable to those with an approved login in order to protect the details of missing people who may be endangered. It includes support for professional use by investigators (anthropologists, medical examiners, detectives, etc.) as well as use by forensic genetic genealogists, and includes fields for GEDmatch numbers of family members and related family trees. This service is provided free of charge. You do not need to create an account to submit a case report.”

The new Unidentified report form replaces our previous TDTF case submission form. The associated map will update automatically every 8 hours once we finish migrating the old data from our previous site.

We have set up a private FB group to discuss this project and the needs of the community. It can also be a place to discuss cases, although it is not intended to be used as a space for missing to Doe comparison discussion. Join the group here: LAMMP – LGBTQ+ Accountability for Missing and Murdered Persons

If you have any questions or would like to request a professional account to use this database, please email

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