June 19th marks the anniversary of the end of slavery in the United States. This is a day of joy and celebration as well as remembrance, and we at the Trans Doe Task Force want to keep positive change and progress moving forward. For the rest of the month, we will be holding our first annual fundraiser for our new Juneteenth cold case fund. Donations made through the links on this page from Juneteenth through the end of June will be specifically earmarked for costs associated with working cold cases involving Black victims who are unidentified, such as laboratory DNA processing and Forensic Genetic Genealogy. This will enable us to take on more cases at no cost to the overseeing agencies, and will result in us being able to move Black LGBTQ+ cold cases forward. Black Trans women are still the most at-risk demographic for homicidal violence, and not enough is done to give their cases the attention needed to be able to restore their identities and memorialize their lives appropriately. Please donate and share!

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June 16, 2024 • 5:09PM


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