
The Twitch-based music streaming collective, Golden Shrimp Guild, is holding their third annual “Rainbow Roll” livestreaming event. From Friday the 23rd through Sunday the 25th, there will be nonstop live music performances raising money for LGBTQ+ charities. Most of the performers are part of the Queer community, and one of the organizations being fundraised for this year is the Trans Doe Task Force! Each performer selects the charity they want to fundraise for, so please tune in and support the artists and their causes.

To watch the event, check out the Golden Shrimp Guild on Twitch to see who’s performing right now, and visit to learn more about this event and others.

If you’re new to Twitch, don’t worry! You can jump in to watch any time, and each artist will automatically transfer the viewers of their stream to the next artist (this is called “raiding”) and this will ensure that you can keep enjoying the performances as long as you want without having to search out the next streamer.

Thank you to the organizers of this event, to the musicians, and to everyone who tunes in and donates!


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